社会学 课程

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SOCI 1 - Principles of 社会学    ( 3.00 -单位)
Designed to illuminate the way students see their social world. 运用社会学的观点:对人类互动和社会的科学研究, with emphasis on impact of groups on social behavior. Includes the systematic examination of culture, 社会化, social organization, 社会阶层, 比赛, 性别, 异常, social change and empirical methodology. These content areas are woven throughout the fabric of the course, 特别是因为它们至少影响了以下三个群体的生活:非洲裔美国人, Latinx Americans, 亚裔美国人s and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, 阿拉伯裔美国人s and/or women.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 运用社会学想象力作为解释和理解人类社会互动的镜头
  2. 比较, 对比并应用功能主义的三大理论视角, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism) to social issues.
  3. Explain how society is stratified by 社会阶层, 比赛, and 性别.

SOCI 2 - Social Problems    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程从社会学的角度对当代社会问题进行介绍和分析. 通过认识权力和意识形态在社会问题定义中的作用来分析重大社会问题, their causes and consequences, evaluations of proposed solutions, and methods of intervention. Focus on modern American society.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Explain the sociological perspective (C. 赖特·米尔斯(Wright Mills)认为,没有个人的烦恼,而是影响个人的社会力量.
  2. 解释每个主要的理论观点将如何检查/解释历史和当代社会问题.
  3. 识别 and analyze the major social problems in the United States.

SOCI 3 - Introduction to Race and Ethnicity    ( 3.00 -单位)
Analysis of 种族 and ethnic relations in the United States. 包括种族, 种族, 种族歧视, 偏见, discrimination and stereotyping, as well as theories and patterns of intergroup relations. 重点关注:非裔美国人,墨西哥裔/拉丁裔,亚裔美国人和印第安人.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Explain the concept of 比赛 as a social construction.
  2. 比较 and contrast the concepts of 比赛 and 种族, 说明了韦德1946这些不断演变的概念的各种当代争论.
  3. 解释与美国不同种族/民族群体有关的历史和当代韦德1946网站.

SOCI 4 - Marriage and Family Relations    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程向学生介绍家庭作为一种制度的社会学分析, including historical and recent changes, present nature(s), and the socio-cultural and economic forces shaping these changes. 本课程的重点领域包括家庭的社会学视角,包括配偶选择, 婚姻角色, marital adjustment, sexual adjustment, 繁殖, 抚养孩子, marital dissolution, and problems associated with the 家庭 in modern industrial society.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 运用功能主义三种理论视角分析家庭模式, conflict and symbolic interaction.
  2. Use culture as a tool to analyze the variety of marriages and families.
  3. 请解释影响美国家庭的人口趋势.

SOCI 5 - Introduction to Social Research Methods    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程向学生介绍实证研究的基本要素和社会学家聚集的方式, 评估, and critique social data. 本课程采用综合方法,包括对理论的理解, 社会学范式和科学逻辑适用于进行实证研究时使用的方法. Focus will be on how social research is designed, conducted and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. 包括对理论、假设、变量和研究伦理的本质的关注. 本课程的学生将运用定性和定量分析工具,包括逻辑和研究设计, such as survey, 观察, 实验, 案例研究, and comparative historical research.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 畅游美国.S. Census and interpret census data.
  2. Explain and propose a relationship between two variables.
  3. 识别 the key components of an empirical study.

SOCI 6 - Introduction to Gender    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程通过历史和文化对男性气质和女性气质的社会建构进行社会学分析. 检视韦德1946性与社会性别的辩论,并质疑传统的性别假设与期望. 学生将有机会分析经济和政治变化对性别期望和实践的影响. In this course students will analyze how institutions shape, 执行, and produce difference and inequality based on 性别 和性, 他们还将关注个人是如何社会化的,以及他们如何“做”和实践性别. In this course, 学生还将研究性别的概念如何变化,因为它与种族/民族相交, class, 和性. 另外, 鼓励学生结合自己的社会文化背景和经验来解释和分析性别对他们生活的影响.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Explain the social construction of 性别.
  2. Explain how institutions are 性别ed and shaped by 性别.
  3. Explain the social consequences to 性别 inequality.

美国有色人种女性:种族、性别和性研究导论    ( 3.00 -单位)
非裔美国人的历史和社会文化经验的批判性检查, Latinx /, 亚裔美国人, Native American, 阿拉伯裔美国人, and Pacific Islander women through a feminist perspective. The course will study 性别 and how it intersects with 比赛, 种族, 国籍, class, 性, 宗教, and other systems of difference and power. The course will consider various issues related to how 种族歧视, 资本主义, 父权制, 战争, 性暴力和其他权力体系交织在一起,影响着美国有色人种女性的生活, as they may relate to work, 家庭, 政治, 身份, 电阻, and artistic expression. 学生也将被介绍到妇女研究和性别和性的研究

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 展示对种族、性别和阶级是如何构成社会结构的理解.
  2. 比较和对比至少两个以下群体的历史和当代经验:非裔美国人, 拉蒂娜, 亚裔美国人, Native American, 阿拉伯裔美国人, and Pacific Islander women in the United States.
  3. demonstrate understanding of how class, 种族, 和性政治交织在一起,构建了有色人种女性在美国的经历.S.

SOCI 8 - Human Sexuality    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course is an introductory overview of the field of human 性. 人类的性行为在我们当代社会将从心理学的角度进行研究, 生物, 社会文化, and historical perspectives. 强调理解态度和行为的相互关系,因为它涉及到性健康和性完整性. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, 值, 以及在他们的道德准则,文化和社会价值观背景下的行为. 当前的性规范和各个方面的人际和个人的性调整将探讨.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 了解性健康在我们的当代社会基于历史的观点和当前的问题.
  2. 评估和制定态度和行为的相互关系,因为他们涉及到性健康和性完整性.
  3. 识别, 比较, and contrast the key themes in human 性 including 社会文化, 生物, and cognitive behavioral influences.

SOCI 10 - Introduction to 亚裔美国人 Studies    ( 3.00 -单位)
十九世纪中期至今亚裔美国人的经历和观点的考察. Major topics will include immigration, 法律, 公民身份, 激进化, 殖民主义, 帝国主义, 战争, 家庭, political involvement, social movements, 教育, 和就业. Provides a comparative context for understanding the panethnic movement.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 分析不同亚裔美国人社区的重大社会问题.
  2. Learn about the diversity among Asian groups.
  3. Understand the immigration experience of these groups.